2014-now: Freelancing 2012-2013: Concept artist position in "Blizzard Entertainment" 2012: Creation of the main illustrations of manga convention "Made in Asia 5" 2012: Freelancing for "Ankama" studios 2011-2012: Illustrations for the website of "Drakerz" online TCG 2011-2012: Freelancing for video games studios "Blizzard Entertainment" 2011: Illustrations of 24 cards for online TCG "Drakerz" for "Peoleo Entertainment" 2011: Creation of the main illustrations of manga convention "Made in Asia 4" 2011: Creation of 3 illustrations for IPhone app. "Meat Space Invasion" for "Mekensleep" studios 2010-2011: 4 months freelancing for video game "Of Orcs and Men" (PS3, XBox, PC) in "Spiders" studios (Paris) 2010/december: Release of the 62 first pages of my comics "Les Coleres de Rimskenkoo" 2010: Participation in collective comics "Brume" (16 pages) 2010: Illustrations of 7 cards for the "Wakfu" trading card game for "Ankama" studios 2010: Creation of the main illustrations of manga convention "Made in Asia 3" 2010 (and later): Illustrations for CD covers for rap artist "In-K" 2006-2010: 2D artist position in video games studios "F4" (Paris) 2006: Comics freelancing (personal project + illustrations and colorizations of other projects) 2005: 4 months freelancing for video game "Black Buccaneer" (PS2) in "Widescreen Games" studios (Lyons) 2005: Obtaining of the "Emile Cohl" school diploma (art school, Lyons) 2005: Creation of comics "Winter Freaks" (48 pages, 5000 copies) 2004: Freelancing for video games studios "Kawaii" (branch of "Widescreen Games" studios, Lyons) 2004: 10 weeks traineeship in video games studios "Kawaii" 2004: 2 weeks traineeship in communication department of a town hall 2001: Obtaining of "Baccalaureat S" (french scientific section high school diploma) and entry in the "Emile Cohl" school
Source : auteur