Sebastian Lörscher

Sebastian Lörscher


Sebastian Loerscher, born in Paris in 1985 and grown up near Munich, is an illustrator and author living in Berlin. He studied Visual Communication at the University of Applied Sciences in Würzburg and at the Academy of Art Berlin-Weissensee. His graphic novels have received a host of honours and are in the catalogues of various publishers in Germany and France. Loerscher’s recent work focuses particularly on the medium of illustrated features. He travels to faraway lands with pencils and sketchbook and captures his impressions in drawings, texts and comic strips done in situ. He tells about his adventures in his books and in readings on Europe’s stages. His latest projects took him to Bangalore in southern India, Haiti in the Caribbean, the wilds of Austria and finally, Nigeria. For his clients he works in the fields of illustration and graphic recording and conducts all sorts of workshops on drawing and storytelling.

Source : auteur



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Scénario, Dessin, Couleurs

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